Its central location and proximity to several streetcar lines and major roads made it a relatively convenient gathering place for people living throughout the St. Going back as far as the early twentieth century, this area was a busy entertainment district. It is also near the main campus of Saint Louis University. The 3500 block of Olive is in Grand Center, a neighborhood that is today home to such major cultural institutions as the Fox Theatre and Powell Hall. Image courtesy of the Missouri History Museum. All of these buildings were later demolished. Another gay bar, the Onyx Room, is out of the frame to the right.
Several popular lesbian and gay hangouts are visible: Shelley’s Midway Bar, Act IV Coffeehouse, and the Golden Gate Bar (left to right). The south side of the 3500 block of Olive in the early 1960s. Kranzberg Art & Architecture Library Special Collections.Scholarly Publishing & Digital Scholarship.West Campus Library & Conference Center.Kenneth and Nancy Kranzberg Art & Architecture Library.Special Collections Research Guidelines.Special Collections Collection Development Policy.